Publikationen AG Biomin


Jantschke, A.; Bott, M.
Exploring Purine Dynamics in microalgae: HPLC Profiling of Guanine, Hypoxanthine, Xanthine, and Uric Acid in Cryptomonas maculata in Response to Nitrogen Availability
Algal Research 2025, submitted.

Arns, A.I.; Evans, D.; Schiebel, R.; Wolf, S.E.; Jantschke, A.; Hansen, M.; Leitner, J.; Vonhof, H.; Haug, G.H.
Probing Salty Waters: Re-assessment of the Early Stages of Calcium Carbonate Formation in Seawater in In-Situ Studies
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2025, under revision.

Alizade, A.; Jantschke, A.
Amorphous cellulose from dinoflagellates: A new microalgal platform for the removal of heavy metals (Cd, Ni, and Pb) from aqueous solution
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2025 under revision.

Anne Jantschke and Denis Scholz
Amorphous Intermediate Phases: A Major Contribution to the ‘Vital Effect’?
Elements 2025, accepted.

Wassenaar, T.*; Jantschke, A.; Mertz-Kraus, R.; Passchier, C.; Groschopf, N.; Urai, J.
Subfossil fracture-related endolithic micro-burrows in marble and limestone
Geomicrobiology Journal 2025, accepted.


Alizade, A.; Reich, T.;  Jantschke, A.
Cellulose from Dinoflagellates as a Versatile and Environmentally Friendly Platform for the Production of Functionalised Cellulose Nanofibres
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2024, 272(1), 132804.

Schmitt. K. E.; Fink, L. J.; Jantschke, A.; Vigelius, D.; Schöne, B. R.
Isotopic and Mineralogic Bias Introduced by Pulverization of Aragonite
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2024, 38(17), e9842.


Uwakwe, O. C.; Riechelmann, S.; Hoffmann, R.; Spötl, C.; Jantschke, A.; Hansen, M.; Immenhauser, A.
Experimental precipitation of cryogenic carbonate
Chemical Geology 2023, 635, 121615.

Alizade, A.; Jantschke, A.
Dinoflagellates as sustainable cellulose source: Cultivation, extraction, and characterization
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023, 242(3), 125116.

Kuhrts, L.; Helmbrecht, L.; Noorduin, W. L.; Pohl, D.; Sun, X.; Palatnik, A.; Wetzker, C.; Jantschke, A.; Schlierf, M.; Zlotnikov, I.
Recruiting Unicellular Algae for the Mass Production of Nanostructured Perovskites
Advanced Science 2023, 2300355.


Schöne, B. R.; Marali, S.; Jantschke, A.; Mertz-Kraus, R.; Butler, P. G.; Fröhlich, L.
Can element chemical impurities in aragonitic shells of marine bivalves serve as proxies for environmental variability?
Chemical Geology 2022, 616, 121215.

Arns, A. I.; Evans, D.; Schiebel, R.; Fink, L.; Alig, E.; Jochum, K. P.; Schmidt, M. U.; Jantschke, A.; Haug, G. H.
Mesocrystalline architecture in hyaline foraminifer shells indicates a non-classical crystallisation pathway
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 2022, 23, e2022GC010445.

Jantschke, A.
Non-silicate Minerals (Carbonates, Oxides, Phosphates, Sulfur-Containing, Oxalates, and Other Organic Crystals) Induced by Microorganisms.)
In: Berenjian, A., Seifan, M. (eds) Mineral Formation by Microorganisms. Microbiology Monographs, vol 36. Springer. 2022, 161-241.

Schöne, B. R.; Huang, X.; Jantschke, A.; Mertz-Kraus, R.; Zettler, M. L.
High-resolution reconstruction of dissolved oxygen levels in the Baltic Sea with bivalves – a multi-species comparison (Arctica islandica, Astarte borealis, Astarte elliptica)
Front. Mar. Sci. - Marine Ecosystem Ecology 2022, 9:820731.

Pinsk, N.; Wagner, A.; Cohen, L.; Smalley, C. J. H.; Hughes, C. E.; Zhang, G.; Pavan, M. J. Casati, N.; Jantschke, A.; Goobes, G.; Harris, K. D. M.; Palmer, B. A.
Biogenic Guanine Crystals Are Solid Solutions of Guanine and Other Purine Metabolites
JACS 2022, 144(11), 5180–5189.


Voigt, D.; Kim, J.; Jantschke, A.; Varenberg, M.
Robust, universal, and persistent bud secretion adhesion in horse-chestnut trees
Scientific Reports 2020, 10, 10, Article number: 16925.

Kupka, N.; Kaden, O.; Jantschke, A.; Schach, E.; Rudolph, R.
Acidified water glass in the selective flotation of scheelite from calcite, part II: species in solution and related mechanism of the depressant
Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2020, 56(5), 797–817.

Jantschke, A.; Pinkas, I.; Schertel, A.; Addadi, L.; Weiner, S.
Biomineralization pathways in calcifying dinoflagellates: uptake, storage in MgCaP-rich bodies and formation of the shell
Acta Biomaterialia 2020, 102, 427-439.

before 2020

Krolop, P.; Jantschke, A.; Gilbricht, S.; Niiranen, K.; Seifert, T.
Mineralogical imaging for characterization of the Per Geijer apatite iron ores in the Kiruna district, northern Sweden: A comparative study of Mineral Liberation Analysis and Raman Imaging
Minerals 20199(9), 544.

Jantschke, A.; Pinkas, I.; Hirsch, A.; Elad, N.; Schertel, A.; Addadi, L.; Weiner, S.
Anhydrous β-Guanine Crystals in a Marine Dinoflagellate: Structure and suggested function
Journal of Structural Biology 2019, 207(1), 12-20.

Jantschke, A.; Koers, E. J.; Mance, D.; Weingarth, M.; Brunner, E.; Baldus, M.
Insight into the Supramolecular Architecture of Intact Diatom Biosilica from DNP-Supported Solid‐State NMR Spectroscopy
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015, 54: 15069-15073.
Angewandte Chemie 2015, 127, 15284-15288.

Jantschke, A.; Fischer, C.; Hensel, R.; Braun, H.-G.; Brunner, E.
Directed Assembly of Nanoparticles to Isolated Diatom Valves Using the Non-Wetting Characteristics after Pyrolysis
Nanoscale 2014, 11637-11645.

Jantschke, A.; Spinde, K.; Brunner, E.
Electrostatic Interplay: The Interaction Triangle of (Poly)amines, Silicic Acid, and Phosphate Studied by Turbidity Measurements, Silicomolybdic Acid Test, and 29Si NMR Spectroscopy
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2014, 5, 2026–2035.

Jantschke, A.; Herrmann, A.-K.; Lesnyak, V.; Eychmüller, A.; Brunner, E.
Decoration of Diatom Biosilica with Small (<10 nm) Noble Metal and Semiconductor Nanoparticles: Assembly, Characterization and Applications
Chemistry - An Asian Journal 2012, 7, 85-90.