Publikationen Geoarchäologie


  • Sürmelihindi, G.,  Passchier, C., | Crow, J., | Spötl, Ch, Mertz‐Kraus, R. 2021. Carbonates from the ancient world's longest aqueduct: A testament of Byzantine water management. Geoarchaeology 2021: 1-17
  • Passchier, C. W., Wex, S., Ilhan, S., de Kemp, E., Sürmelihindi, G., Güngör, T. 2021.  Analysis of Cipollino Verde marble wall decoration in Ephesos, Turkey, using geological reconstruction. Journal of archaeological science: reports 37, 102992


  • Passchier, C. W., Sürmelihindi, G., Boyer, B., Yalçın, C.,  Spötl, Ch., Mertz-Kraus, R. 2020.  The aqueduct of Gerasa – _Intra-annual palaeoenvironmental data from Roman Jordan using carbonate deposits. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562,110089
  • Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C., Leveau, Ph. 2020. Giving voice to the incrustations from a Roman watermill complex at Barbegal: an impression. In: Bouffier, S, Fumadó Ortega, I (eds). L’eau dans tous ses états. Perceptions antiques. Archéologies méditerranéennes, 161-171
  • Passchier, C. W., Bourgeois, M., Viollet, P-L., Sürmelihindi, G., Bernard, V., Leveau, Ph., Spötl, Ch. 2020. Reconstructing the hydraulics of the world’s first industrial complex, the second century CE Barbegal watermills, France. Scientific Reports 10:17917.
  • Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C. 2020. Testing the Water: A Survey of the Water-supply of Ancient Butrint (Buthrotum). Using Carbonate Deposits from the Aqueduct System.  Schriftenreihe der Frontinus-Gesellschaft 32, 63-91


  • Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C. W., Leveau, Ph., Spötl, Ch., Bourgeois, M., Bernard, V. 2019. Barbegal:  carbonate imprints give a voice to the first industrial complex of Europe, Journal of Archaeological Research: Reports 24, 1041-1058
  • Passchier, C. W., Sürmelihindi, G. 2019. Carbonate Deposits of the Değirmendere Aqueduct. In: Wiplinger, G. Der Değirmendere Aquädukt von Ephesos. Babesch Supplements 36, 511-522
  • Passchier,C. Güngör, T. 2019. The geology of the Değirmendere Aqueduct. In: Wiplinger, G. Der Değirmendere Aquädukt von Ephesos. Babesch Supplements 36, 355-364
  • Kessener, P., Passchier, C. W., Sürmelihindi, G., Wiplinger, G. 2019. Steinarten. In: Wiplinger, G. Der Değirmendere Aquädukt von Ephesos. Babesch Supplements 36, 411-417
  • Leveau, Ph., Passchier, C. W., Surmelihindi, G. 2019. Les Moulins de Barbegal, 80 ans après les fouilles de F. Benoit L’apport de la géoarchéologie des carbonates, in David Djaoui et Marc Heijmans, Arelate Intra et extra muros, Archéologie et histoire en territoire arlésien, 111-139


  • Sürmelihindi, G., Leveau, Ph., Spötl, C., Bernard, V., Passchier, C. W. 2018. The 2nd century AD Roman Watermills of Barbegal: unravelling the enigma of one of the oldest industrial complexes. Science Advances 4, 9, eaar3620
  • Lolos, Y., Passchier, C. W., Sürmelihindi, G. 2018. Carbonate deposits in Roman aqueducts as a data source: examples from Corinthia and Argolis. In: Zimis, E. Vasiliki Karapanayiotou, A, Xanthopoulou, M. ΤΟ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΕΡΓΟ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟ (ΑΕΠΕΛ1). (The archeological project in the Peloponneses – AEPEL1) Proceedings of the International Conference Tripoli, 7-11 November 2012, 915-921


  • Wenz, S., Scholz, D., Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C. W., Jochum, K. P., Andreae, M. O. 2016. 230Th/U dating of carbonate deposits from ancient aqueducts. Quaternary geochronology 32, 40-52
  • Passchier, C. W., Sürmelihindi, G., Spötl, C. 2016. A high-resolution palaeoenvironmental record from carbonate deposits in the Roman aqueduct of Patara, SW Turkey, from the time of Nero. Scientific Reports. Published: 30 June 2016. DOI: 10.1038/srep28704
  • Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C. W., 2016. Der Römische Aquadukt von Patara. Antike Welt 5/16, 4
  • Passchier, C. W., Sürmelihindi, G. 2016. A book of travertine to read. Archeological newsletter, January 2016. Israel Parks Authorities


  • Haut, B., Zheng, Z. Y., Mays, L., Han, M., Passchier, C. W., Angelakis, A. N. 2015. Water and heritage. Evolution of rainwater harvesting in urban areas through the millennia. A sustainable technology for increasing water availability. In: Willems, W J H and van Schaik, P J. Water and Heritage. Material, conceptual and spiritual connections, 37-56.
  • Passchier, C. W., Sürmelihindi, G. 2015. Geochemical observations on sinter of Ephesos. In: Wefers, S. (Ed) Die Mühlenkaskade von Ephesos. 120-123. RGZM.
  • Passchier, C. W., Rigal, D., Sürmelihindi, G. 2015. Preuves du nettoyage des concrétions calcaires de l’aqueduc antique de Divona-Cahors. Aquae ductus. Aquitania supplement 33, 233-241.


  • Wex, S., Passchier, C. W., de Kemp, E. A., Ilhan, S. 2014. 3D visualization of sheath folds in Ancient Roman marble wallcoverings from Ephesos, Turkey. Journal of Structural Geology 67 (2014) 129-139
  • Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C. W. 2014. A high-resolution archive for palaeo-environmental studies: calcareous sinter in ancient aqueducts. In: I. K. Kalavrouziotis and A. N. Angelakis (edts). e-Proceedings of IWA Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater and Environment: Traditions and Culture. Hellenic Open Univ., Patras, Hellas, 2014, pp. 1331-1341.
  • Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C. W. 2014. A high-resolution archive for palaeo-environmental studies: calcareous sinter in ancient aqueducts. In: Kalavrouziotis, I K, Angelakis, A N (eds). IWA Regional Symposium on water, wastewater and environment: traditions and culture, 1331-1341


  • Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C. W., Spötl, C., Kessener, P., Bestmann, M., Jacob, D. E., Baykan, O. N. 2013. Laminated carbonate deposits in Roman aqueducts: Origin, processes and implications. Sedimentology 60, 961-982.
  • Passchier, C.W., Wiplinger, G., Güngör, T., Kessener, P., Sürmelihindi, G., 2013. Normal fault displacement dislocating a Roman aqueduct of Ephesos, western Turkey. Terra Nova 25, 292-297.
  • Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C. W., Baykan, O. N., Spötl, C., Kessener, P. 2013. Environmental and depositional controls on laminated freshwater carbonates: An example from the Roman aqueduct of Patara, Turkey. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 386, 321–335
  • De Feo, G., Angelakis, A. N., Antoniou, G. P., El-Gohary, F., Haut, B., Passchier , C. W., Yun Zheng, X. 2013. Historical and Technical Notes on Aqueducts from Prehistoric to Medieval Times. Water 5, 1996-2025.
  • Sürmelihindi, G., Passchier, C. W. 2013. Sinter Analysis - A Tool for the Study of Ancient Aqueducts. In: Wiplinger, G. (ed). Historische Wasserleitungen Gestern - Heute – Morgen. BABESCH Supplement 24/ÖAI Sonderschriften 49, 269-287.


  • Passchier, C. W., Wiplinger, G., Sürmelihindi, G., Kessener, P., Güngör, T. 2012. Roman Aqueducts as Indicators of Historically Active Faults in the Mediterranean Basin, in: 2nd INQUA-IGCP-567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering, Corinth, Greece 2011, 186–189
  • Passchier, C. W., Sürmelihindi, G. 2012. Sinter deposits in Roman aqueducts. Aouras 6, 273-290