The Geophysics and Geodynamics Group (headed by Prof. Boris Kaus) at the Institute of Geosciences at the University of Mainz is working on understanding how geological processes work, from the grain-scale to the scale of a planet. We predominantly do this with the help of mathematical and numerical models, for which we develop new approaches. Ongoing research projects include understanding magmatic processes, lithosphere deformation, the formation of fold-and-thrust belts and salt tectonics, the coupling between erosion, the dynamics of subduction zones as well as the development of new forward and inverse modelling approaches that runs on high-performance parallel computing systems.
Our research projects are supported by the European Research Council (Consolidator Grant MAGMA), the BMBF and the DFG.
We also have expertise on deep and shallow geothermal energy and thermohydraulic monitoring (by the Institute of Geothermal Resource Management), and are working on applied geosciences projects in collaboration with SmartTectonics.
There are many possibilities for students, postdocs and advanced researchers to take part in ongoing research projects (see open positions).